Monday, August 24, 2009

MBT shoes A Revolution in Footwear

Buying shoes these days can be a bit risky. It's common to pay high dollar for a fancy looking shoe that isn't particularly comfortable. Other times you can pay for a shoe that feels wonderful but is not pleasant to look at. However, few shoes are truly revolutionary. One shoe that is flashy, comfortable, and revolutionary is MBT shoes.

If you have ever noticed how your foot moves while walking barefoot, you will understand that most shoes today are restricting the natural movement of your foot in motion. This issue was what the Masai Barefoot Technology Company set about to correct. After many years of research, this Swiss company introduced a show that allowed the foot to move naturally. This MBT shoe revolutionized the shoe industry.

Not only are womens MBT shoes perfect for many different occupations that require people to be on their feet for long periods, such as doctors and nurses, they have also been touted by celebrities like singer Fergie and Debra Messing and have been featured in popular magazines. They are the perfect shoes for any athletic situation.

Read additional info about mens MBT shoes at MBT shoes have quickly grown to become one of the hottest footwear brands in the country. But beware of knockoff brand attempts - they are NOT even close to equivalent in terms of quality.

People are often curious about what exactly sets these shoes apart from all the rest. MBT shoes have a radical design. Wearing these shoes have been known to workout unused muscles, help improve poor posture, they can help tone and shape upper body muscles, they have often been known to help people with leg and foot trouble, foot or leg injuries as well as improving joint and muscle movement.

With MBT shoes exciting line of summer style shoes which include sandal type shoes as well as an extensive line of professional, athletic, and casual walking shoes, it is hard to argue that from a style standpoint, shoes from MBT has much to offer anyone who finds value in a shoes appearance. From a quality standpoint, it is highly unlikely that anyone could find a shoe that does so much their feet as well as the rest of their body. With lifestyles and careers increasing the demand on our bodies, we need to be as good to ourselves as possible. These revolutionary shoes have so many great benefits that it won't be long before everyone you know has their own pair.

by Sean Hess
Sean Hess is a content syndication expert for A Comfortable Foot, a new comfort footwear, resource site. For more information on MBT shoes, please visit their website.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Exercise more often if your feet are comfortable with MBT footwear

MBT footwear

Working out can be a difficult thing to manage, especially if you really don't have the time during the day. Are you on your feet constantly going? Now you can turn that strain into a little something more. MBT footwear are a great place to begin if you can't decide on the answer right away. Working out with MBT footwear is the easiest way to lose weight without losing those needed hours A lot of people out there do not have a chance for working out. Those that do can only fit it in for an hour or so on the way home from work, but that is if they leave on time. If you are similar to most of people out there, you don't use a gym membership to get muscular but to stay in shape. For the cost of a few months of membership fees you can be getting the same results just by wearing MBT footwear!

These footwear, no matter what kind, give improved posture, rear muscle activity, rear thigh muscle activity, and lower limb activity. To reiterate, you are not only getting more of a natural workout wearing these, but you are also repairing your posture from the ground up. They won't put you on the cover of a muscle magazine but you'll feel much better about yourself. People are calling it "the anti-shoe" because it clearly does things that were unheard of previously when it came to talking about shoes.

When it comes to footwear like these, some tend to lose interest when they actually see them. A lot of"workout shoes" simply look odd. Fortunately, MBT footwear come in a wide variety of colors and styles. If your work only allows you to dress professionally, there are a few options for your needs. Perhaps all that you like to put on is a pair of sandals. There is directly any need met when purchasing these excellent shoes.

By Sean Hess
MBT footwear

Thursday, April 30, 2009

MBT Footwear and the Cellulite Fight

MBT Footwear

Have you heard about the new cellulite fighting footwear? They are MBT footwear (also known as Masai Barefoot Technology). You might be wondering how can footwear fight cellulite? I asked myself the same question and decided to do some research on this wonder footwear and the causes of cellulite. Together, I found that this may not be the solution for cellulite we all hoped for. Here's why:

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is primarily caused by genes and this is why it affects mostly women. Because men and women organize fat differently; most men don't develop cellulite. Unlike women, men organize their fat smoothly underneath their skin. This is because the connective tissue which holds their superficial fat runs parallel to their skin.

Women's bodies organize fat in connective tissue that runs perpendicular to their skin. This creates a "pulling down" effect that creates bumps in the skin's surface or what you see as cellulite.

Now what we know what causes cellulite let's understand why it is so hard to remove.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is superficial fat. That is fat which is located just underneath the skin. This area is the last to be affected by diet or exercise which is why weight management and cellulite reduction are two separate issues.

The fact that cellulite is superficial fat makes it so hard to remove. Today there are many alternatives to remove fat that is located in the deeper tissues of our body. Some options are liposuction, diet, and exercise. Most people assume that cellulite is like the rest of the fat in our body and think it can be reduced by traditional methods. They are wrong. You need specific cellulite treatments to remove cellulite.

Now let's see whether MBT footwear are an effective cellulite treatment.

MBT footwear and Cellulite

Before I discuss whether the MBT footwear work to fight cellulite lets consider the factors that make an effective cellulite treatment. An effective cellulite treatment must target cellulite. This sounds simple, but many so-called cellulite treatment don't target cellulite but other fat in the body. Remember, cellulite is a special type of fat: superficial fat.

Therefore, cellulite treatments that really work must target superficial fat in the body. Effective ones I know of are mesotherapy, endermologie, and acoustic wave therapy.

How Do MBT footwear Work?

The science behind MBT footwear is quite simple. They work by simulating barefoot walking and help you use muscles you normally don't use. Developers claim their footwear help work to melt fat, reduce varicose veins, cellulite and more. But where's the proof?

There have been some studies to test the alleged benefits of MBT footwear but none involved treating cellulite. In fact there has been no published data to back these claims and most evidence is largely derived from testimonials. Because this information is based on testimonials alone, it's what scientists call "anecdotal data," or information that can't be tested or confirmed. Anecdotal data are highly subjective and unreliable.

Reflecting on the factors needed for an effective cellulite treatment the MBT footwear shows none. How do they target superficial fat? It may sound reasonable to believe that the MBT footwear work to melt fat in the body because of the workout you get when walking but remember this fat is not cellulite. So if you are considering buying the MBT footwear to treat your cellulite think again. Your best bet are cellulite treatments which target superficial fat.

by Roselee Stehle

About the Author
Learn about the many cellulite products available and treat your cellulite the right way! Visit to learn more about MBT shoes and cellulite treatment products.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) Footwear

MBT footwear

The MBT footwear or Masai Barefoot Technology are the most popular product to hit the world in terms of innovative exercise footwear. This revolutionary fitness footwear offers a different option for people who want to become more health conscious. The MBT footwear allows for the development and increasing the fitness level of people who are inclined to exercise in a different method. The MBT footwear has both positives and negatives and this article will discern the options these footwear offer in the respective categories.
The MBT footwear popularity is a result of many positive aspects that the company claims will help their customers.The company claims that the footwear will lead to increased muscle activity. Looking on the footwear design and the amount of effort that one has to put into wearing the footwear, the ability of increasing muscle activity is real. The company's website makes the statement that wearing the footwear leads to an increase in blood circulation. This is due to how the footwear is created. Finally the footwear encourages the wearer to have a good posture and have a better stride. All of these characteristics of the footwear enable it to live up to its name as a revolutionary fitness footwear.

As lauded as the MBT footwear is, it still has some negative aspects to it. Cost is one of the negative aspects of the footwear. The MBT footwear retail from $100+ upward and there are some of the MBT anti-cellulite footwear that start at $250. This is quite costly for a footwear. Another negative issue is the fact that there is no real research to show if the footwear works or not. Many people will base their decision to buy the footwear on consumer reviews and declarations by the company. There is no real evidence to support that the footwear can deliver on the various claims that they make.

In conlusion, the Masai Barefoot Technology or MBT footwear is a matter of the consumer weighing the pro's and cons of the footwear. The pro's of the footwear are based on its design and the type of benefits the wearer will receive from the footwear itself. It allows for the development of muscles, increased blood circulation and encourages proper posture. This is an added benefit for people interested in buying the MBT footwear. The footwear has its negatives mainly the price and also the lack of research to backup the claims of the company. For what its worth the nt-weight:bold;">MBT footwear offers something different on the exercise footwear market and the decision to get one is based more on the consumer weighing the pro's and cons.

Friday, March 20, 2009

MBT Footwear are the Hottest Craze with Doctors

MBT footwear, the hottest new shoe for doctors in the San Francisco area and New York for that matter. MBT is short for Masai Barefoot Technology. The concept is based on the Masai tribes in Kenya and how they walk. What the MBT is designed to do is to give you a physiological workout of coordinated muscle groups.

What is the physiological effect of MBT footwear and what does it mean to you? The benefits of Masai Barefoot Technology include improved gait and posture, relieves joint pressure in the back, there's a multitude of muscles that are worked when walking or standing, so the mbt shoes help burn calories and stimulates metabolism. Additionally, MBT footwear have a firming effect on the abdominal, leg and buttock muscles.

The concept for MBT walking footwear stems from studying the walking habits of the Masai tribe in Africa. The Masai are a semi-nomadic tribe whose lives center around tending to their cattle and hunting. A consequence of this is that they walk very long distances on a daily basis. It was discovered that as they walk on the natural uneven terrain they develop toned and lean leg muscles, have a perfect posture, and suffer a minimal amount of back and joint problems. The MBT footwear actually imitate the terrain the Masai walk on and turn the hard and uneven surfaces that we walk on everyday, into the soft and natural ground of the Masai. This causes the muscles to work harder and become the natural shock absorbers they were destined to be, in addition to protecting the back and joints.

Doctors, physicians and nurses love the benefits from these footwear. With the MBT footwear, versatility is at your disposal. Fitness Walking is the claim to its fame, but the Masai Barefoot Technology comes in several flavors so there is a shoe that meets any needs. Recently featured on Fox News, The Today Show, and Good Morning America, the MBT Footwear have been highlighted for its ability to cushion your feet while challenging your muscles. Clinical studies suggest that regular use improves balance, posture and circulation. The footwear line includes sports shoes for avid fitness walkers, but they also have a nice line of sandals for the summer months spent at the beach or hiking, as well as an elegant line of professional footwear, perfect for business people and for casual wear.

About the Author

By walking shoes

Saturday, March 7, 2009

MBT Footwear-Techniques To Eliminate Back Pain

MBT Footwear-Techniques To Eliminate Back Pain

Back pain is, unfortunately, a common side effect of aging. Many people between the ages of thirty and fifty develop back pain at some point. This back pain can be the result of an injury, overstretching or genetic weakness. When the spine becomes strained or compressed, back pain can become unbearable, the sedentary lifestyle that many of us adhere to can also increase the incidence of back pain.
What are your options if you suffer from back pain? Surgery should be considered as a last resort for back pain. The surgery is difficult, and not always effective. Before you consider surgery, look into the variety of options available to help treat your pain.

• Heat - Heat is an effective treatment for back pain. There are different types of hot wraps available that can be worn under clothes. Gentle, constant heat works in several ways to reduce or eliminate back pain. The heat increases blood flow to the affected area. It also increases the elasticity of the tissues in your back. Finally, heat allows for a greater range of motion and improved mobility.

• Supplementation - Chondroitin sulfate is commonly used as a joint supplement. This may work to repair cartilage in the spine that is causing back pain. Fish oil capsules have been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body, and may help with back pain. Both of these supplements are readily available and reasonably inexpensive.

• Stretch and strengthen - While back pain may leave you wishing that you were in bed, a gentle and regular stretching and strengthening program may provide a relief to your back. Strengthening your core muscles can provide support for your spine, and careful stretching can relieve pressure on the area as well. The most important part of any exercise program is regularity. If you do not perform the exercises consistently, they will not be effective, and if you work out hard one day, only to take it easy the rest of the week, you can cause more harm than good.

• Implement relaxation techniques - Because much of the pain associated with the back can result from tension, it is important to implement relaxation techniques into your life. Some types of relaxation can provide double duty, such as yoga. Yoga is not only relaxing, but provides therapeutic stretching as well. Other forms of relaxation include meditation and biofeedback training. Adding enjoyable diversions to your day, such as reading or walking the dog can also provide an outlet for stress.

MBT footwear - MBT stands for Masai Barefoot Technology. This MBT footwear was developed to mimic the natural gait while walking barefooted. The footwear, while a little odd looking, can effectively reduce and even eliminate back pain for many people. MBT footwear has a specially designed sole. They improve your posture, and help to relieve stress on the back and joints. The footwear are particularly effective because they exercise a large number of muscles in the back and legs that are not normally active. They work whether you are standing still or walking. The support provided by the footwear allows the muscles in the body to regenerate and develop in a more fully functional way.

Walking on an MBT footwear is similar to walking barefoot, the soft surface and natural instability causes your body to unconsciously activate supporting muscles throughout your body. This process increases the activity of your back muscles, strengthening and realigning them. The footwear also realign those small back and leg muscles, which are overwhelmed by tight hamstrings or quadriceps. MBT footwear also encourage a natural walking gait that allows the body to absorb shocks through the feet, joints and back in a relaxed and pain free manner. This helps to reduce the amount of tension in the back.

How long should it take to see results from these therapeutic activities? It depends on the person and the degree of back pain, but for the most part, you should see some relief nearly immediately. Some therapeutic activities may lead to minor discomfort before the pain improves, but do not let that scare you away from performing them. Adding stretching and strengthening exercises to your lifestyle will probably lead to temporary soreness. This is normal, and as your body becomes accustomed to these activities, the soreness will decrease.

Wearing MBT footwear may also lead to temporary soreness or muscle fatigue, but, again, this is because you are working your muscles in an unfamiliar way. This type of pain is different from pain caused by an injury. If at any point you feel numbness or sharp pain, stop what you are doing and see a doctor. Muscle soreness and aches are to be expected until your body becomes accustomed to its new way of moving, but pain, numbness or muscle spasms are warning signs that you are pushing too hard.

About the Author
Cynthia Andrews is a freelance writer who writes about topics concerning fashion and shopping often highlighting certain brands such as MBT Footwear.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

MBT Footwear-Can I Get Rid Of My Flabby Thighs?

The odd looking footwear that is said to cure everything from bad posture to cellulites, are the MBT Footwear what they anticipates?
What the engineer Karl Muller was thinking about when he developed the MBT Footwear was to invent another way for us to walk. A footwear that takes less strength on our bodies, because we are mostly walking on hard and even surfaces. There's a lot of pressure on the foot when we walk, pressure that spreads through the whole of your body.

If you have unergonimic footwear or walk a lot on hard surfaces, you may have noticed that you can get sore back. The MBT Footwear are built in a way that evens the pressure out through out the whole foot, from sole to toe. The shoe contains several layers, each one created to improve the way you are walking. The first layer is constructed of fibre glass that gives the natural rolling movement for the whole foot, from heel to toe. Layer number two is thick, and that part creates a feeling of walking on a soft and uneven surface, a bit like walking on sand or moss. Because of that the MBT footwear can activate not used muscle groups, that are not normally in activity. Next is the part that is a section located under the heel. It completes the walking by making the sole of your feet feel like it really sinks in to a soft surface. The last layer protects the others and are designed to make it easy to walk in different weather conditions.

When I started to use my MBT Footwear, one of the benefits was that my posture really improved. Because of that I didn't get as tired in the back at the end of the day as I used to. I felt less stress on the knees and my rear thigh muscles, the lower limbs muscles got much more activated

The MBT Footwear are used by many athletes to recover from injuries and rebuild muscle mass, many times because they eases stress on the knees. So, if you are suffering with back problems and are having trouble exercising because of that, try a pair of MBT Footwear and see if you get any ease from walking with them.

It takes a little while to get use to, they can sure feel a bit wiggly to walk with for at first, but you'll get used to them in a week or so before your body got used to the footwear. Then you can use them everywhere you can think of Then you can clean your house with them, go shopping, wear them at work.

MBT Footwear

Friday, January 23, 2009

MBT footwear

MBT Footwear

MBT footwear was developed for about ten years ago by the Swiss engineer Karl Muller. They have been proven to work for cellulite reduction, toning and shaping your body, and for back and neck problems. There are a lot of other benefits as well, because you increase energy burning. That means you can control blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes type 2.

Back problems are something that is really common among us. The main reason for that is because we are standing in wrong positions and are walking on mute and hard surfaces. If we would walk on more varied ground, we would have better backs, because the body would have been able to build up support for the body's movements. Nowadays we are walking on the same kind of surface all the time, and that leaves the body to stagnate in its usage of muscles. This is what Muller discovered when he studied the Masai people, famous for their upright posture and strong backs, even though they walk for long distances every day. The secret is that they are doing this barefoot, and in a variation of environments, in the mountains, on sand, rocks, grass, etc.

Muller decided to create footwear to imitate this, a footwear that would have those variations built in them. After some experimentation he managed to do this, and the MBT footwear was born. They have become a common rehabilitation device among physicians and physiotherapists, who use them to cure back pain and rebuild damaged muscles on athletes. One of the main benefits to prevent back pain with these is the improvement of posture. You automatically get a more upright walk when using these, because the footwear correct the posture for you automatically. You have no other choice than to walk in a "body friendly" manner. If you have suffered from back and neck pain for long, it's important to get used to the footwear bit by bit. It can take a while for your back to adjust itself to this new way of moving. But once you get the hang of it, you will notice a lot of improvement in a short amount of time. And you will get rid of that constant pain. If you have a job that makes you stand and walk all day, I can also recommend this MBT footwear. Many people using them claim that they are not at all as exhausted after a days work anymore. This is because the MBT footwear provides support for your back.

About the Author
Beatrice Stephenson is a freelance writer on health and sports issues.

MBT footwear

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

MBT footwear

MBT footwear, or Masai Barefoot Technology footwear as the correct term is, have been a success because of its many benefits. The footwear was initially developed to help and cure back pain. It soon showed that the footwear or shoes also toned and shaped the body when they were used. It's actually increase muscle activity with up to 20 percent. The muscles that gets more activated is legs and thighs, buttocks and stomach muscles. It also improves your posture a lot and prevents back pain. Many physicians use the mbt footwear for rehabilitation of patients. Athletes use them for building up their bodies after injuries.

So, how can they be this effective? What's the magic behind these footwear? Well, the secret is in the construction behind them. The engineer Karl Muller, who developed this footwear, created them to imitate the sensation of walking on a soft surface. This because he found that the Masai people in Kenya (therefore the name), who walk barefoot on different surfaces, never suffer from back problems. He realized that the reason we in the West have so much back and neck problems, was because we mostly walk on hard concrete surface and pavements. The body needs variation to work well and build muscles to support the body. So he started do construct a footwear with four in built soles in different materials, to imitate this way of walking. He succeeded and the success was a fact.

MBT footwear are used all over the world today, not least among the Hollywood celebrities, that swear it's the best thing since sliced bread. They use them for cellulite reduction and for toning and firming the body. If you have a job that makes you to stand and walk a lot, the MBT footwear can work wonders for you. You won't be as exhausted in the evening as usual, because the MBT footwear helps you keeping your posture upright and support back muscles.

MBT footwear