Thursday, April 30, 2009

MBT Footwear and the Cellulite Fight

MBT Footwear

Have you heard about the new cellulite fighting footwear? They are MBT footwear (also known as Masai Barefoot Technology). You might be wondering how can footwear fight cellulite? I asked myself the same question and decided to do some research on this wonder footwear and the causes of cellulite. Together, I found that this may not be the solution for cellulite we all hoped for. Here's why:

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is primarily caused by genes and this is why it affects mostly women. Because men and women organize fat differently; most men don't develop cellulite. Unlike women, men organize their fat smoothly underneath their skin. This is because the connective tissue which holds their superficial fat runs parallel to their skin.

Women's bodies organize fat in connective tissue that runs perpendicular to their skin. This creates a "pulling down" effect that creates bumps in the skin's surface or what you see as cellulite.

Now what we know what causes cellulite let's understand why it is so hard to remove.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is superficial fat. That is fat which is located just underneath the skin. This area is the last to be affected by diet or exercise which is why weight management and cellulite reduction are two separate issues.

The fact that cellulite is superficial fat makes it so hard to remove. Today there are many alternatives to remove fat that is located in the deeper tissues of our body. Some options are liposuction, diet, and exercise. Most people assume that cellulite is like the rest of the fat in our body and think it can be reduced by traditional methods. They are wrong. You need specific cellulite treatments to remove cellulite.

Now let's see whether MBT footwear are an effective cellulite treatment.

MBT footwear and Cellulite

Before I discuss whether the MBT footwear work to fight cellulite lets consider the factors that make an effective cellulite treatment. An effective cellulite treatment must target cellulite. This sounds simple, but many so-called cellulite treatment don't target cellulite but other fat in the body. Remember, cellulite is a special type of fat: superficial fat.

Therefore, cellulite treatments that really work must target superficial fat in the body. Effective ones I know of are mesotherapy, endermologie, and acoustic wave therapy.

How Do MBT footwear Work?

The science behind MBT footwear is quite simple. They work by simulating barefoot walking and help you use muscles you normally don't use. Developers claim their footwear help work to melt fat, reduce varicose veins, cellulite and more. But where's the proof?

There have been some studies to test the alleged benefits of MBT footwear but none involved treating cellulite. In fact there has been no published data to back these claims and most evidence is largely derived from testimonials. Because this information is based on testimonials alone, it's what scientists call "anecdotal data," or information that can't be tested or confirmed. Anecdotal data are highly subjective and unreliable.

Reflecting on the factors needed for an effective cellulite treatment the MBT footwear shows none. How do they target superficial fat? It may sound reasonable to believe that the MBT footwear work to melt fat in the body because of the workout you get when walking but remember this fat is not cellulite. So if you are considering buying the MBT footwear to treat your cellulite think again. Your best bet are cellulite treatments which target superficial fat.

by Roselee Stehle

About the Author
Learn about the many cellulite products available and treat your cellulite the right way! Visit to learn more about MBT shoes and cellulite treatment products.

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